Break your routine out with us
Study Italian, read our stories and leaf our photobooks through.
We are a little publisher. We were born to help Danish people to study Italian and meet - and love! - Italy. Over time we've grown up, and together with our "Via Libera" series we've created two more thematic proposals, one about travels and the other about the fiction, in the broadest sense of the word.
When we do something, we do it out of curiosity. We want to be the first ones to be amazed, so that we can offer you the same emotions and the same fun.
Our textbooks are the result of our ten-years experience as teachers of Italian in Denmark. All our travel suggestions have been tested by hours and hours in the car and our tales come from the pen of a "visiting reporter".

Please, have a taste
As a commercial used to say, many years ago, "you can't buy anything from a closed box". Especially the books, we add. Here you can find an example of one of our books for the summer holidays, which belongs to "Via Libera" series.